In Person + Online Upcoming Classes
Custom Curls & Extensions
One of the most talked about benefits of Curl Cult is that you can use it on extensions! Offering custom textured extensions is sure to increase your bottom line and [...]
Curl Cult Treatment Success! Q & A with Education Manager, Courtney O’Neal
Need a place to game plan for an upcoming Curl Cult Treatment? Have questions about previous treatments that didn’t go as planned? Don’t miss this class! The first Monday of [...]
Meet Curl Cult
If you’re curl curious, this is the place to start. We’ll talk about the technology of Curl Cult, what makes us different, and why we’re the solution to your clients’ [...]
Technology, Application, and Elasticity
Curl Cult is CLEAN, HEALTHY, and INNOVATIVE! From our technology to ingredients to processing, we break the mold. Learn how Curl Cult differs from traditional perms (spoiler - it doesn’t [...]
Curl Cult – To perm or not to perm?
Is Curl Cult a perm? How can we talk about this treatment with our clients? In this class, we’ll do a refresher on traditional perm technology, talk about what makes [...]
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